“Plants exist to transmute light into life. Humans exist to transmute life into consciousness, love.”—Dr. Vasant Lad
Our role as gardeners is to facilitate the process wherein a seed becomes a thriving plant, and that plant becomes a thriving body, a joyful mind, a loving heart. At Banyan Farm we seek to foster the connection between people and the plants that support their health and well-being through growing reliable, high-quality medicinal herb and vegetable seed. Our seed offering is designed to contribute to an Ayurvedic lifestyle through a focus on nourishing foods, well-adapted traditional herbs, and plants that support the ecosystem of both body and land.
Tending to the garden helps us to deepen our understanding of plants as living, conscious beings, friends, and allies who impart their prana and their unique consciousness to us when we imbibe them as food and medicine. Let’s transform this process into a celebration.
Seed sales support educational programs and land regeneration projects at Banyan Farm. Our educational programs focus on Ayurveda, herbalism, and wilderness immersion, offering a transformative experience to students grounded in connection to land and plants. We tend the farm as a sanctuary of biodiversity, caring for an always growing number of plants, pollinators, birds, and beneficial microbes in the soil. Our farming practices regenerate the soil through extensive cover cropping, composting, polyculture design, and reducing soil disturbance.
Check out our 2025 seed collection, with love and gratitude from our garden to yours:
Planting Depth: ¼”
Soil Temp for Germination: 70-85°F
Days till Germination: 7-14 days
Plant Spacing: 1-2 feet
Row Spacing: 2-3 feet
Days to Maturity: 110-175
Sun and Soil: Full sun, well-drained, alkaline soil (pH 7.5-8.0)
Latin Name: Withania somnifera
Easy to grow, hardy shrub celebrated for its medicinal, adaptogenic properties. The resilience of this herb in the garden is mirrored in its effect on the body, as it helps the body adapt to stress, boosts energy reserves, and calms the mind for sound sleep. A cold-sensitive plant, ashwagandha is grown as an annual in cooler climates, it thrives in the heat of summer and its roots are harvested after the first frost.
Start your seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Ashwagandha is a light-dependent germinator; sow seeds just below the surface of well-drained soil and keep them warm (70-85°F). Germination typically takes 7-15 days.
When seedlings are ready, transplant them outdoors into a sunny spot with fertile, alkaline soil. Mix ground limestone into your garden bed to mimic ashwagandha’s natural arid conditions. Space plants 1-2 feet apart, and water sparingly—deep, infrequent watering encourages strong root growth.
By mid-summer, healthy plants will reach chest height, with lush, silvery foliage and vibrant red berries. While this herb is perennial in Zones 8-12, it can be grown as an annual in colder climates, where its root can be harvested after one growing season.
Ashwagandha’s roots are at their peak medicinal value once the lantern like papery calyx enclosing its small berries has matured to a vibrant red. For annual growers, wait until the fall frost causes the plant to die back before harvesting. Use a digging fork to loosen the soil around the sprawling root system, which may extend a foot deep.
Wash roots thoroughly and cut up into small pieces to dry, or use fresh.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years as a rasayana (rejuvenative). It is a renowned adaptogenic herb, which means it is used to help the body resist physiological and psychological stress by adapting to the needs of the body.
Deeply supportive of many tissues and body systems, including the immune system, the reproductive system, a healthy thyroid, and much more, ashwagandha is a wonderful herb to help nourish overall health and well-being.
Item descriptionAshwagandha belongs to the nightshade family (Solanaceae), sharing its lineage with tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Like many nightshades, it encases its fruit in a papery husk, which protects its seeds.
Pollinators love ashwagandha! At dusk, you may find native bees resting on its leaves, using them as tiny hammocks for their nightly slumber—a delightful sight for any gardener.
The Sanskrit word ashwagandha translates to “the smell of a horse” (ashwa—horse, gandha—smell), symbolizing the vigor and vitality this plant brings while describing its distinct horse like, earthy aroma. Native to the arid regions of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East.
Basil- Genovese
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch deep for seeds.
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-80°F.
Days til Germination: 5-10 days
Plant Spacing: 4-10 inches apart
Row Spacing: 18-24 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 50-75 days
Sun: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained, rich, loamy soil. Basil benefits from rich soil with plenty of organic matter. It's also important to keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 9-11 (typically grown as an annual in cooler climates).
Latin Name: Ocimum basilicum
Genovese Basil, also known as Italian Basil, is a highly aromatic and flavorful variety of basil prized in Mediterranean cuisine, particularly for pesto. This type of basil features large, dark green leaves with a rich, slightly spicy taste and a sweet fragrance. It thrives in warm temperatures and is perfect for container gardens, raised beds, or garden plots. This variety has an upright stature that makes for easy harvest, and is relatively slow to bolt. Plants that are harvested regularly will continue to produce over a period of 6-8 weeks.
Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last expected frost date, or sow directly outdoors once the soil has warmed in late spring. Basil is a warm-weather plant that grows best when temperatures are consistently above 60°F. A relatively fast growing crop, seed basil late Spring through mid summer for consistent harvest throughout the season. Sow seeds about ¼ inch deep and space plants 4-10 inches apart in rows 12-24 inches apart. Basil seeds generally take 5-10 days to germinate, depending on soil temperature.
Basil thrives in full sun and well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter. Basil needs regular watering, but it does not tolerate standing water or soggy soil. Water at the base of the plant to avoid getting the leaves wet, as wet foliage can lead to blackened, inedible leaves.
Plants have an upright stature, growing as tall as two feet. Leaves are shiny, large and dark green, and exude a fragrance synonymous with summer.
Genovese basil can be harvested once the plants have developed a good amount of foliage, usually 6-8 weeks after planting. Pinch or cut the leaves from the top of the plant to encourage bushier growth. Think about harvest as a form of pruning; each cut you make encouraging new growth. Observe how the branches you cut direct energy to different regions of the plant. There is no wrong way to do it, just focus on cutting growth points before they are too far into flower. Regular harvesting is important for maximizing the yield, as basil tends to flower and go to seed early in the growing season; plants that are too far into flower produce fewer leaves. Basil and other Ocimum species are unique in that you can maintain the plant’s energy in leaf production through removing flowers.
Genovese Basil is an annual herb in the Lamiaceae family, commonly referred to as the mint family. It has large, smooth, deep green leaves with a slightly rounded shape. The plant typically grows 12-24 inches tall and produces small white or purple flowers, although the flowers should be pinched off to keep the plant productive. A favorite of pollinators.
Planting depth: ¼”
Soil temp for germination: 70-85
Days till germination:8-16
Plant spacing: 12-18”
Row spacing: 24-36”
Days to maturity: 90-110
Sun and soil: Full Sun to partial shade/ Rich, moist soil
Latin Name: Eclipta prostrata
This easy to grow plant can help a beginner gardener feel like a greenthumb. Its appearance and growth habits indicate that Bhringaraj retains much of its wildness; its sprawling, crawling nature and vigorous growth suggest that it is relatively new to being domesticated.
Relatively uncommon in the US both as a medicinal herb and a plant of the garden; we’re tickled to be able to help introduce this variety to your home apothecary and growing space!
The trickiest part of growing Bhringaraj is coaxing it to germinate. Seed in pots or cell trays 4-8 weeks before the last frost of the Spring. This plant germinates best in the shade; at the farm we have had great success with germination by laying an extra layer of shade cloth over our seed trays or placing seed trays under greenhouse tables until they have sprouted. Germination typically takes between 6-12 days.
Plant Bhringaraj once danger of frost has passed, in rich soil and full sun, though it can tolerate some shade. In India, it grows in the wild along stream banks and ponds; meaning in the garden it responds well to heavy watering. Bhringaraj spreads its arms across the ground, with small roots growing from its many branches where they make contact with the earth. Once established it grows vigorously in the heat of the summer; a healthy plant with sufficient space can sprawl two feet in each direction. By late summer the plant will begin shooting up a profusion of small white flowers.
Once the plant is fully in flower and before it has begun to produce seed, harvest by cutting all of its aerial growth with a serrated knife. We highly recommend wearing gloves and long sleeves when you harvest, as the leaves and stems can be prickly and irritable to the skin, earning it the nickname “stingaraj” on the farm. Bhringaraj will die back in cold and frost and will not survive over the winter.
Bhringaraj (Eclipta prostrata), sometimes spelled bringraj, is renowned as one of the most supportive herbs for hair growth, shine, and luster in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Although this herb gets a lot of attention for its powerful effect on the hair, its gifts extend far beyond a head of luscious locks. It brings its cooling, rejuvenating benefits to the mind and nervous system while it also supports the liver, circulation, and even healthy skin.
Also commonly known simply as eclipta, bhringaraj is a member of the sunflower family (Asteraceae). An annual that grows up to about a foot in height, it grows a solitary, white, winged flower reminiscent of a daisy (hence its English name, false daisy). The name bhringaraj literally translates to “ruler of bees,” showing the popularity of this flowering plant among pollinators.
While the flowers are quite delicate, the slightly curly leaves are strong and thick, with a layer of hairs that can cause the skin to itch when touched. When crushed, the leaves produce a dark greenish-black liquid, which can be used to make dyes and inks for tattoos, earning this plant another nickname—the tattoo plant. 1
Bhringaraj can be found around the world, most commonly growing in warm, moisture-rich climates like wetlands and marshes. In fact, its Spanish name, yerba de tago, roughly translates to “herb that grows in the ditch. 3
Bitter Melon
Planting Depth: 1/2"
Soil Temp. Germination: 75-85˚F
Days to Germination: 7-14
Plant Spacing: 18-36"
Row Spacing: 36-48"
Days to Maturity: 90-120
Full Sun, Well-Drained Soil, Regular Watering
Latin Name: Momordica charantia
The bitter melon also known as Karela or Bitter gourd, is a tropical vine with a bold personality and an even bolder flavor. Its green, ridged fruits, carry a distinctive bitterness that makes them a culinary challenge yet a delight for the adventurous eater. Beyond its unique taste, this hardy vine has earned a cherished place in traditional medicine, revered for its healing powers that span from blood sugar regulation to liver detoxification. A favorite in Asian cuisine, it brings a complex bitterness to stir-fries, curries, and soups, making it a beloved ingredient in kitchens across the world.
To set this tropical vine on its way, start seeds indoors 3 to 4 weeks before the last frost date, or sow them directly into the garden once the soil has warmed to at least 75˚F and frost danger has passed. Under optimal conditions, the seeds will sprout within 7-14 days, and before long, your garden will begin to host this vigorous climber. We recommend giving your plants a head start by sowing the seeds indoors, particularly in more temperate climates. Plant the seeds about 1/2 inch deep.
Bitter melon thrives in the full embrace of the sun, loving the long, warm days of summer to fuel its boundless growth. These plants are born to climb, their finger-like tendrils reaching out with a playful curiosity as they grasp for trellises, fences, or anything they can cling to. Watching them scale upwards is a source of endless fascination, as they twist and twirl their way toward the sky. Without a trellis, however, the vine may sprawl across the ground in a wild tangle, so give it space—18-36 inches apart—and something sturdy to climb.
This plant craves well-drained, fertile soil, rich in organic matter to nourish its growing appetite. Within 50-70 days of planting, the vine will begin to bloom with small, bright yellow flowers, setting the stage for the formation of the wrinkled, green fruit.
For the most tender, flavorful bitter melon with the highest medicinal value, harvest the fruit when it’s still young—this is when it retains the most manageable bitterness and a crisp texture. When the fruit reaches around 8-12 inches long, it’s time to harvest. Look for the subtle sign that it’s ready: the fruit will soften, and its vibrant green hue will begin to pale, signaling that it’s ripening.
Use sharp pruning shears or scissors to cut the fruit from the vine with care, avoiding damage to the plant and the other fruits hanging nearby. Regular harvesting will encourage your vine to keep producing fruit throughout the season, so don’t be shy to pick often, at least twice per week.
To save seeds for future planting, allow a few fruits to ripen fully on the vine. As they turn a yellowish hue and begin to wrinkle, you’ll know they’re ready. Remove the seeds, clean them carefully, and save them for next season's planting.
Bitter melon is an ancient healer, treasured in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine for its powerful properties. With its potent compounds like charantin, it’s best known for helping to regulate blood sugar levels—making it a particularly valuable ally for those managing diabetes. But its benefits don’t stop there. Bitter melon has long been used as an anti-inflammatory, a digestive aid, and a detoxifier for the liver. The fruit and its juice can also support weight loss, improve digestion, and lower cholesterol.
But the benefits extend beyond the fruit itself. The leaves, flowers, and seeds of bitter melon are also rich in medicinal properties, typically consumed in the form of extracts or teas. When taken in moderation, they are believed to bring balance and vitality to the body.
Though its bitterness can be an acquired taste, the bitter melon is a culinary treasure in many parts of the world, especially in Asian cuisine. Its bold flavor shines in stir-fries, stuffed dishes, and hearty soups and curries, where its bitterness can be balanced with spices, salt, or sweet ingredients. To mellow the taste, you can soak the sliced fruit in saltwater or boil it briefly before cooking.
For those who can embrace its wild bitterness, this fruit is a staple, adding a distinctive punch to any dish. And with its firm texture, it holds up beautifully in cooking—whether roasted, stewed, or grilled.
Bitter melon is a member of the family Cucurbitaceae, along with cucumbers, melons, winter squash, zucchinis. This family is known for its broad leaves, its eagerness to sprawl, climb, and vine, and its five petalled flowers. Most Cucurbits are unique in that they possess distinct male and female flowers on one plant, the female flower eventually bearing the fruit. Cucurbits such as bitter melon are cold sensitive annuals.
Bitter melon vines are originally native to the tropical and subtropical regions of India and Africa. As trade routes opened centuries ago, the domesticated bitter melon vine was carried across the Asian continent, into parts of Europe, and eventually to the Caribbean and South America, becoming a kitchen staple across much of the world.
Planting Depth 1/4”
Soil Temp. Germ. 65-70˚F
Days to Germ. 8-14
Plant Spacing 6-18”
Row Spacing 24-36”
Days To Maturity 85-95
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained
Latin Name: Calendula officinalis
Calendula is one of the easiest and most forgiving plants to grow, inspiring confidence in even the least experienced of gardeners. Each plant produces an impressive amount of medicine in the form of lovely, large orange blossoms exploding from this cheerful, generous plant. With its soothing properties and versatile uses, it's no wonder that Calendula has earned a permanent spot in both home gardens and apothecaries alike. This herb thrives with minimal care, and once it takes root, it rewards you with an endless bounty of blossoms, perfect for herbal remedies and garnishing your meals.
Sow your seeds anywhere from the Spring equinox to early Summer, directly in the garden or in containers. If you're looking for a head start, sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date and watch them germinate in 7-12 days. Calendula doesn’t require much encouragement to sprout
For a season of continuous color and medicine, sow every 4-6 weeks, ensuring blooms will grace your garden from late Spring through the Fall, well into the frosty months. Sow seeds about 1/4 inch deep in loose, well-drained soil.
Calendula thrives in full sun, soaking up the rays to fuel its abundant growth, though it can also tolerate a bit of shade if needed. This easygoing herb grows well in fertile, well-drained soil, and is particularly fond of a bit of compost or organic matter mixed in. Space your plants 6-12 inches apart in rows 2-3 feet apart to give them room to spread and show off their robust, green foliage. Calendula grows rapidly, and within 40-50 days of planting, the plant will reward you with a spectacular show of blooms.
Calendula’s generous flowers, which are a favorite among bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, seem to grow overnight, unfurling in shades of sunny orange and gold. We’ve been amazed that even after picking every open blossom one day the plants are full of blooms the next.
As a bonus, this lovely herb is a prolific self-seeder, meaning it will come back year after year to brighten your garden with minimal effort on your part. If you’re growing it in pots or containers, it will happily oblige, though be sure to give it some space to stretch its legs—Calendula loves to grow wide, not just tall.
Calendula’s medicinal magic resides in its vibrant flowers. Harvesting for medicine is a simple, satisfying ritual. For the most potent blooms, pick the flowers regularly, and your plant will reward you with continuous blossoms throughout the season, even after a light frost. Wait until the flowers are fully open (but not too far gone), then gently pluck each one where the stem meets the base of the flower. This is the time when the flower heads are brimming with resin, a sticky and potent substance that holds most of Calendula’s healing power. Unpicked flower heads will quickly begin to go to seed, at which point their medicinal value decreases and a signal is sent to the plant to decrease flower production. If flowers are maturing into seed, consider dead heading, removing seed-bearing flower heads, in order to increase production.
The flowers can be harvested throughout the growing season, but it’s best to pick them early in the morning when the dew is still fresh and the resin is most concentrated. Once harvested, you can use them fresh or dry them for future use. A healthy Calendula plant will yield dozens of flowers over the course of a season, making it a dependable source of medicine.
And don’t forget that Calendula’s petals are not only medicinal, they’re edible! Add them to salads, soups, or even baked goods for a pop of color and a mild, slightly peppery flavor. The petals can also be used to make a beautiful and health-boosting tea, or incorporated into oils, balms, and salves.
Calendula is best known for its soothing properties, particularly when it comes to the skin. Whether you're dealing with cuts, burns, rashes, or other skin irritations, Calendula is the go-to remedy for healing. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities make it an essential ingredient in natural skincare. Calendula can be used in topical ointments, oils, and creams to help promote healing, reduce swelling, and ease irritation. It’s often found in baby lotions, diaper creams, and soothing balms for a reason—it's gentle, effective, and safe for sensitive skin.
But Calendula isn’t just a skin healer. Internally, it’s just as versatile, offering gentle support for the digestive system. Calendula is often used to ease stomach cramps, promote healthy digestion, and soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Its mild anti-inflammatory effects also extend to the muscles and joints, making it a helpful herb for those with conditions like arthritis or muscle soreness.
Calendula is also revered for its ability to calm the nervous system. It has a mild sedative effect, making it useful for those dealing with anxiety, stress, or insomnia. While it won’t leave you groggy or sedated, its gentle calming properties help soothe an overactive mind and promote restful sleep. A cup of Calendula tea before bed can help quiet your thoughts and prepare you for a good night’s rest.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis), also known as "pot marigold," is a member of the Asteraceae family, which includes daisies, sunflowers, and chrysanthemums. Native to Southern Europe and parts of North Africa, this hardy herb has found a home in gardens all over the world. Chest tall, with lance-shaped leaves and bright orange or yellow flowers that are both beautiful and useful. The flowers are made up of many thin, narrow petals, which surround a central disk of smaller florets.
Though native to Mediterranean regions, Calendula has become a beloved garden plant in temperate climates around the world, where its bright flowers bring a splash of color and a dose of medicine to gardens and homesteads alike.
Cayenne- Red Rocket
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch deep for seeds.
Soil Temperature for Germination: 75-85°F.
Days till Germination: 7-14 days.
Plant Spacing: 12-18 inches apart.
Row Spacing: 24-36 inches apart.
Days to Maturity: 70-80 days (from transplanting)
Sun: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained, fertile, loamy soil
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 9-11 (typically grown as an annual in most climates)
Latin Name: Capsicum annuum
Exceptionally flavorful variety, combining sweetness and heat. Plants produce long, slender peppers that start green and ripen to bright red when mature. Prolific producer that begins producing early in the season and doesn’t slow down until the first frost of fall. Great for fresh eating as well as drying.
Start seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last expected frost date. Plant seeds ¼ inch deep in a seed-starting mix and keep the soil temperature between 75-85°F for optimal germination. Under ideal conditions, germination typically occurs in 7-21 days. Once the seedlings send out their first true leaves, pot up to a 3-4 inch pot, keep well-watered but allow soil to dry out somewhat between waterings.
Cayenne peppers thrive in full sun and warm temperatures. The plants require well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter. They prefer warm soil, and temperatures consistently above 60°F are ideal for growth. Space plants 12-18 inches apart in rows 24-36 inches apart. Peppers need consistent moisture to thrive, but they do not like wet feet, ensure the soil is well-draining. Water regularly, especially during dry spells, but avoid overwatering. Providing peppers with a stake or cage can be helpful to keep them from flopping over once the plants are heavied with fruit.
Cayenne peppers typically mature 70-80 days after transplanting, though they may be ready earlier depending on the growing conditions. Harvest peppers when they reach a deep red color and have a firm texture. The peppers can be picked at any stage, but they are hottest when fully ripened.
Once harvested, cayenne peppers can be used fresh or dried for long-term storage. To dry them, string them up or use a dehydrator to preserve their heat and flavor. Regular harvesting encourages the plant to continue producing fruit throughout the growing season, though fruits hold up well on the plant if left unharvested for a week or so.
Cayenne Pepper is a member of the Solanaceae family, which also includes tomatoes, eggplants, and other peppers. The plants grow 18-36 inches tall and produce small, long peppers that ripen from green to red. The flowers are white or pale yellow and self-pollinating, attracting bees and other pollinators.
Planting Depth: Surface sow; lightly press seeds into soil
Soil Temperature for Germination: 60-68˚F
Days to Germination: 7-14
Plant Spacing: 4-6”
Row Spacing: 12-18”
Days to Maturity: 60-70 days for flowers
Sun and Soil: Full Sun, Lightly Moist, Well-Drained
Hardiness/Growing Zone: Zones 3-9
Latin Name: Matricaria chamomilla
Chamomile, a delicate yet hardy herb, is beloved by gardeners and herbalists for its daisy-like blooms and gentle aroma. Known for its soothing properties and versatility, chamomile has a long-standing tradition in herbal medicine. Its soft white petals and bright yellow centers are as calming both to the eye and the body. This plant attracts pollinators while thriving in a variety of growing conditions, making it an easy and rewarding choice for gardeners of all skill levels.
Chamomile seeds are best sown in early spring or late summer through early fall. The seeds require light to germinate, so avoid covering them with soil; instead, gently press them into the surface. Start seeds indoors to give them a strong start, especially in cooler climates.
Chamomile is a compact, low-maintenance plant that thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, is not too picky about soil types and thrives even with lower soil fertility. Once established, chamomile is tolerant of dry conditions and requires minimal care, making it an excellent choice for beginner gardeners.
The plant grows in a compact, bushy form, producing fine, feathery leaves and erect flower stalks that rise to about 12-24 inches in height. The dainty flowers feature bright yellow centers surrounded by white petals, exuding a mild, apple-like fragrance. Chamomile begins blooming in late spring to early summer and continues flowering throughout the growing season with regular harvesting.
Chamomile can be seeded in early spring for late spring plantings, but on the farm we generally seed indoors in the late summer and plant out in the fall, which allows plants to become nicely established over the winter, resulting in larger plants with earlier, bigger yields the following spring.
Chamomile is most prized for its flowers, which should be harvested at peak bloom for optimal flavor and medicinal properties. We call chamomile a “late sleeper”, meaning that the flowers don’t open up until the sun has been out for a few hours. The optimal time to harvest is during this mid to late morning period, as soon as most of the blossoms have fully opened. Using your fingers, pluck the flowers from their stems, using your hand like a rake to harvest multiple flowers with one sweep of the hand. Each plant produces dozens of flowers a week so harvest can be time consuming, but harvesting flowers tends to make for a pleasant garden chore.
To preserve chamomile, dry the flowers in a well-ventilated, shaded area. Dried flowers can be stored in airtight containers and used for teas, tinctures, or other preparations.
Chamomile is renowned for its calming effects and is often used to reduce stress, aid sleep, and soothe digestive discomfort. Its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties make it a go-to remedy for issues such as indigestion, bloating, and menstrual cramps. Chamomile is also valued for its ability to promote skin healing and alleviate irritation.
The dried flowers are commonly infused into herbal teas, offering a gentle, floral, earthy flavor and numerous health benefits. Chamomile tinctures, salves, and creams can be used to treat skin conditions, while the flowers are also used in aromatherapy for their relaxing scent.
Chamomile is a member of the Asteraceae family, closely related to daisies and sunflowers. Native to Europe and Western Asia, chamomile has become a staple herb in gardens worldwide. German chamomile is known for its upright growth and larger flowers
Chamomile’s delicate appearance belies its adaptability. Its shallow root system allows it to thrive in sandy, well-drained soils, while its drought resistance makes it a practical choice for low-maintenance gardens. In its natural habitat, chamomile is found in sunny meadows and along roadsides, where it self-seeds readily and flourishes with little intervention.
Chamomile flowers consist of bright yellow disc florets surrounded by white ray florets, giving them a classic daisy-like appearance.
Cherry Tomato- Sweetie Cherry
Planting Depth:
Seeds: 1/4 inch deep.
Transplants: Plant seedlings slightly deeper than they were in their original container (about 1 inch deeper).
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-80°F.
Days till Germination: 5-10 days.
Plant Spacing: 18-24 inches apart.
Row Spacing: 36-48 inches apart.
Days to Maturity: 55-70 days (from transplanting).
Sun: Full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day).
Soil: Well-drained, fertile, loamy soil. Enrich the soil with compost or organic matter for best results.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 5-11 (typically grown as an annual in most climates).
Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
Sweetie Cherry Tomato is a vibrant, flavorful variety known for its small, round, and juicy fruits that burst with sweetness. A healthy plant produces loads of fruit that hold up on the vine exceptionally well, begin producing early and continue providing throughout summer and into fall.
Start Sweetie Cherry Tomato seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep and await germination in around 7-10 days. Up-pot to a 3-4” pot once plants put out their first true leaves. Plant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed to around 70°F.
Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes grow best in well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter, thriving in full sun. Plants should be spaced about 18-24 inches apart in rows 36-48 inches apart. Regular watering is key to promoting healthy growth and fruit set, but it is important to avoid overhead watering, which can increase the risk of fungal diseases and fruit rot. Water the plants at the base, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Provide plants with a trellis or cage for an easeful harvest and to keep fruits from touching the soil.
Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes are ready for harvest in approximately 55-65 days from transplanting. The small, round fruits will turn a vibrant red when fully ripe, and should be picked regularly to encourage continuous production, though ripe fruit holds up quite well on the plant. This variety is indeterminate, meaning it will produce fruit successionally and continuously throughout the growing season. This quality is apparent in a mature plant: notice how each plant hosts fully ripe fruit, recently pollinated flowers with green fruit the size of a pin head, and unpollinated flowers in full bloom. Harvest the tomatoes when they are fully ripe but still firm, as they will continue to ripen off the vine. The trick with cherry tomatoes is to make sure some make it into the kitchen, resist the urge to eat every last one in the field.
Cherry Tomatoes belong to the Solanaceae family, which includes other well-known vegetables like peppers, eggplants, and potatoes. These plants produce small, round tomatoes that are typically 1-2 inches in diameter. The plants have a bush-like structure with dark green leaves, and they tend to grow 18-24 inches tall. The bright red fruits are glossy and firm when fully ripe, making them a visually appealing and flavorful addition to any garden.This variety is indeterminate, meaning it will continue to grow and produce fruit over a long period of time, right up until the first frost of fall.
Planting Depth: 1/4 to 1/2 inch
Soil Temperature for Germination: 55-75°F
Days til Germination: 7-14 days
Plant Spacing: 1-4 inches apart
Row Spacing: 8-18 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 50-55 days for leaf harvest; 90-110 days for seed harvest
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well-drained, loamy soil, rich in organic matter.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 3-11, typically grown as an annual in colder climates.
Latin Name: Coriandrum sativum
Cilantro is a widely cherished herb known for its fresh, aromatic leaves and seeds, which are both integral to culinary traditions across the globe. Known for its cooling and cleansing properties, cilantro offers a bright, citrusy flavor, making it an essential ingredient in salads, salsas, curries, and a variety of dishes. A versatile herb, cilantro can be used fresh in cooking or dried for its seeds, known as coriander, which offer an earthy, warm flavor. This variety is quick growing and relatively slow to bolt.
Start cilantro seeds directly in the garden in well-drained, fertile soil, from early spring through late summer. Plant seeds about ¼ inch deep and space them 1-4 inches apart. Cilantro can germinate within 7-14 days under ideal conditions. This herb grows quickly, typically ready for harvest within 3-4 weeks, making it an excellent choice for successive sowing throughout the growing season.
Cilantro thrives in full sun but will tolerate light shade, particularly in hotter climates. It prefers well-drained, loamy soil with good organic content and regular watering, though it does not tolerate overly wet conditions. Cilantro is an annual that matures quickly, and it tends to bolt (flower and go to seed) in the heat of summer, so succession planting is recommended for a continuous harvest. Prune or cut back regularly to encourage fresh growth and prevent the plant from becoming leggy.
Cilantro is ready for harvest in approximately 3-4 weeks, depending on the growing conditions. Harvest the leaves when they are young and tender, as they have the best flavor at this stage. If the plant begins to flower or go to seed (which is the natural progression of the cilantro plant), the flavor may become more pungent and its texture tougher. For coriander seeds, allow the plant to flower, and once the seeds turn brown, collect them for use. Regular harvesting helps to promote continued leaf production and delays bolting.
Cilantro belongs to the Apiaceae family, sharing lineage with parsley, dill, and fennel. The plant has delicate, feathery leaves and produces small white or pink flowers that eventually turn into seeds. Cilantro is a self-pollinating herb, producing both male and female flowers on the same plant in the umbel flower formation typical of the Apiaceae family.
Cucumber- Poona Khera
Planting Depth: ½ inch
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-90°F
Days till Germination: 7-10 days
Plant Spacing: 18-24 inches apart
Row Spacing: 36-48 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 50-60 days from sowing or transplanting
Sun and Soil: Full sun, well-drained, fertile loamy soil
Hardiness Zones: 3-10
Latin Name: Cucumis sativus
Poona Khera Cucumber is a rare heirloom variety native to India, loved for its distinctive golden-brown skin and mild, sweet flavor. Unlike traditional cucumbers, Poona Khera remains tender and sweet even as it matures, making it a versatile option for both fresh consumption and pickling. The plant is a fast grower, reaching heights of 6-8 feet when provided with a trellis to climb, and produces a continuous harvest from summer through fall. Poona Khera is an excellent choice for home gardeners looking for a reliable, high-yielding cucumber variety.
Direct sow seeds once the soil temperature reaches 70°F, and all danger of frost has passed. Alternatively, start seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before transplanting. Germination usually occurs within 7-10 days when temperatures are optimal. Space plants 18-24 inches apart in rows 3-4 feet apart.
Poona Khera cucumbers thrive in fertile, well-drained soil rich in organic matter. They prefer full sun and require plenty of space to sprawl, with vines that can spread 2 feet in all directions. Providing a trellis for the cucumbers to climb conserves garden space and makes harvesting easier. When grown on a trellis, plants can reach a height of 6-8 feet. Cucumbers have tendrils that will cling to anything they touch, making them excellent for vertical gardening. Regular watering is essential for optimal fruit production, especially during flowering and fruiting stages. Pruning the first 1-2 feet of the main stem can improve ventilation and promote healthier growth.
Poona Khera cucumbers are ready for harvest in 50-60 days from sowing, although they can be picked at different stages of maturity. For an early harvest, pick cucumbers when they are about 4-6 inches long and turn light yellow. As the cucumbers mature, their skin turns from yellow to brown and cracks, but the flesh remains sweet and juicy. Harvesting regularly, every 2-3 days, will help promote a continuous harvest throughout the growing season. Poona Khera cucumbers will continue to produce until the first frost.
Cucumbers belong to the family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, winter squash, and zucchinis. This family is known for its broad leaves, its eagerness to sprawl, climb, and vine, and its five petalled flowers. Most Cucurbits are unique in that they possess distinct male and female flowers on one plant, the female flower eventually bearing the fruit. Cucurbits tend to be cold-sensitive annuals, perishing with the first frost of fall.
This variety originates from India and has been cultivated there for thousands of years. Cucumbers were first domesticated in India, spreading from there throughout the rest of the world. The act of growing this variety, saving its seed, and eating it has an ancient history that we feel privileged to take part in.
Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2 inch
Soil Temperature for Germination: 65-70°F
Days to Germination: 10-21 days
Plant Spacing: 20-24 inches apart
Row Spacing: 24-36 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 2-3 years
Sun and Soil: Full sun, moist, well-drained soil (slightly acidic to neutral)
Hardiness/Growing Zone: USDA Zones 3-8
Latin Name: Echinacea purpurea
Echinacea purpurea, the most adaptable and vigorous of the Echinacea species, is prized for its stunning beauty and powerful medicinal properties. Known for its vibrant purple petals and spiny, cone-shaped centers, Echinacea purpurea is commonly used in herbal medicine to boost immunity and fight off infections. It is a perennial herb native to North America's prairies, where it thrives in open fields, full sunlight, and well-drained soils. This easy-to-grow herb attracts a wide variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, making it a beneficial addition to any garden. Whether cultivated for health benefits or for ornamental appeal, Echinacea is a high-reward plant.
For optimal results, sow Echinacea purpurea seeds in early spring or early fall. It's recommended to start the seeds indoors in flats or pots, especially for gardeners in colder climates, as the seeds grow more slowly when directly sown outdoors and may struggle against weeds. After germination, transplant seedlings into the garden once they are strong enough to handle outdoor conditions. Alternatively, Echinacea can be propagated by dividing mature roots in early spring or fall. To do this, carefully dig up an established clump, divide the roots, and replant the sections in well-prepared soil.
Echinacea purpurea is a slow grower at first but becomes a vigorous, low-maintenance plant once established. The plant produces large, daisy-like flowers with vibrant purple petals surrounding a prominent central cone. Echinacea thrives in full sun and prefers rich, moist, well-drained soil. The plant's deep taproot allows it to survive drought conditions, and once established, it is resistant to pests and diseases. Echinacea purpurea typically grows 2-4 feet tall and attracts a wide range of pollinators, making it an excellent choice for wildlife-friendly gardens. The plant’s ability to flourish in various climates—whether coastal or mountainous—makes it a versatile addition to diverse growing zones.
While the roots of Echinacea purpurea are the most commonly used medicinal part, all plant parts (flowers, leaves, seeds, and roots) have therapeutic value. For the highest medicinal potency, harvest the roots in the fall or early spring of the plant's second or third growing season, as this is when the plant’s active compounds are most concentrated. Flowering begins in the second year, with vibrant purple flowers that can be harvested for medicinal use as well. Leaves and flowers can be harvested throughout the growing season without compromising the plant’s root development. To harvest, carefully dig up the roots, clean them, and dry them for storage, or prepare them fresh for tinctures, teas, or salves.
Echinacea purpurea is widely celebrated for its immune-boosting properties. As one of the most potent herbs for strengthening the immune system, it is frequently used during cold and flu season to support the body’s natural defenses. Echinacea’s immunomodulating qualities help stimulate the immune system, making it effective against viral and bacterial infections. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate symptoms of upper respiratory infections, such as the common cold and the flu.
The root is the most commonly used part for medicinal preparations, especially tinctures, which are typically used as a preventative remedy or to treat infections. The flowers and leaves, while less commonly used, are valuable for their lymphatic support and skin-healing properties. Echinacea flowers can be used topically in salves or creams to help heal cuts, abrasions, and skin infections. The root is often dried for long-term storage or prepared fresh for tinctures or teas.
Though Echinacea purpurea is more often associated with medicinal applications, its bright, cheerful flowers can also be used in the kitchen. The petals can be added to salads or used as a garnish, bringing a pop of color and a mild, slightly earthy flavor. The fresh flowers can even be infused into herbal teas, offering a gentle, soothing drink that carries the benefits of this immune-boosting wonder.
Native to the North American prairies, Echinacea purpurea is a hardy perennial herb from the Asteraceae family. Its name comes from the Greek word "echinos," meaning "hedgehog" or "sea urchin," which refers to the plant's spiny, cone-shaped center. Known for its distinctive purple petals and large, showy flowers, Echinacea purpurea typically grows 2-4 feet tall and thrives in well-drained, slightly acidic soils. This resilient plant is able to withstand harsh conditions, including drought, making it an excellent addition to gardens with challenging growing environments.
While Echinacea purpurea is native to North America, it has become widely cultivated around the world due to its medicinal value and ornamental beauty. It is often found growing in wildflower meadows and gardens, where it can provide a habitat for pollinators and offer beauty and utility for years to come.
Eggplant- Ping Tung Long
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Soil Temperature for Germination: 75-85°F
Days till Germination: 7-14 days
Plant Spacing: 12-18 inches apart
Row Spacing: 30-42 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 60-70 days (from transplanting)
Sun: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained, fertile, loamy soil. Enrich the soil with compost or organic matter for optimal growth.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 5-10 (typically grown as an annual in most climates)
Latin Name: Solanum melongena
Ping Tung Long is a unique and highly productive variety of eggplant that is prized for its tender, slender, and vibrant purple fruits. Originating from Taiwan, this eggplant has a mild, sweet flavor with few seeds, making it perfect for grilling, stir-frying, and sautéing. The long, narrow shape of the fruit and its smooth, glossy skin set it apart from other eggplants. It's an excellent choice for gardeners looking for a high-yielding, easy-to-grow eggplant with a delicate flavor. Plants will continue to produce until the weather turns cold in Fall.
Start seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last expected frost date. Plant seeds ¼ inch deep in seed-starting mix. Keep soil temperature between 75-85°F for optimal germination. Germination takes approximately 7-14 days. Once the seedlings send out their first true leaves, pot up to a 3-4 inch pot.
Ping Tung Long thrives in full sun and warm temperatures. The plant does best in well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter. Ensure the soil is kept moist but not soggy, watering less frequently (every 3-5 days) as plants become more established. Space the plants 12-18 inches apart with rows 30-42 inches apart. As the plants grow, provide support using stakes or cages to keep the stems upright and prevent the heavy fruits from touching the ground.
This variety of eggplant matures 60-70 days from transplanting. Harvest the fruits when they reach a length of 8-10 inches and the skin has a glossy finish. The flesh should feel firm but not overly hard. The skin should be deep purple and smooth. If the eggplant is left on the plant too long, the skin may become dull and yellow at which point they take on a bitter flavor.
Harvesting at least twice per week encourages the plant to continue producing fruit, especially during the warm summer months. Plants will continue pumping out fruit until the first frost of Autumn.
Ping Tung Long eggplants belong to the Solanaceae family, which also includes tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. This variety produces long, slender, dark purple fruits with a smooth, glossy skin. The plants themselves grow to about 2-3 feet tall and have dark green, broad leaves. The white to purple flowers are self-pollinating, attracting bees and other pollinators. Ping Tung Long is an indeterminate variety, meaning that it continues to produce fruit throughout the growing season, especially when harvested regularly.
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Soil Temp for Germination: 60-75˚F (15-24˚C)
Days Till Germination: 10-14 days
Plant Spacing: 18-24 inches apart
Row Spacing: 24-36 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 90-120 days
Sun and Soil: Full sun, well-drained, fertile soil
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Latin Name: Foeniculum vulgare
Fennel, the bright, aromatic herb with feathery fronds and bountiful seed harvest, consistently impresses with its vigor and resilience. Easy to grow, pleasant and companionable in the garden, and diverse in the kitchen and medicine cabinet. Its vibrant, feathery leaves add a touch of elegance to the garden, and its sunny yellow umbels of tiny flowers attract a host of pollinators. This variety has been bred for its tremendous production of seeds and foliage.
Fennel thrives best when sown directly into the earth, preferring to have its roots settle into the soil undisturbed, which means it’s not the best candidate for transplanting. However, it can adapt well if started indoors and carefully transplanted once seedlings have a couple of sets of leaves. For the best results, sow fennel seeds directly into the garden in early to mid-Spring, after the last frost date has passed.
Plant the seeds about 1/4 inch deep in rows that are spaced 24-36 inches apart, with 18-24” between plants, giving them plenty of room to spread out, though we recommend direct seeding more thickly (seeds every 6 or so inches) then thinning out. Germination usually takes about 10-14 days under optimal conditions, with soil temperatures ranging from 60-75˚F (15-24˚C). Fennel is quite easy to grow once it gets started, needing little more than consistent moisture and ample sunlight to flourish. Be sure to thin the plants after germination, as fennel appreciates room to breathe and grow tall.
Fennel does best in well-drained, fertile soil that is high in organic matter—this allows the plant to grow healthy bulbs and produce an abundance of seeds. The plant also appreciates regular watering, but make sure the soil doesn’t stay waterlogged, as fennel is sensitive to root rot in overly wet conditions. Once established, plants require little maintenance.
Once established, fennel grows into a tall, elegant plant with a robust, aromatic presence. As the plant matures, its feathery leaves and flowering tops tower over its neighbors, reaching heights of 3 to 5 feet (depending on the variety and growing conditions). The plant forms a striking clump of delicate, fern-like leaves that release a mild, anise-like scent when brushed against. In midsummer, fennel sends up a stunning flower stalk adorned with bright yellow umbel-shaped flowers, which will eventually give way to seeds.
Begin harvesting fennel seeds as soon as they form on the plant in their immature green state, though they won’t store until they turn brown and fully ripen on the plant.
To harvest, cut the entire seed head (umbel) from the plant using scissors or garden shears. Allow the seed heads to dry in the sun or a well-ventilated area until the seeds can be easily stripped from the stalks. Use your fingers to gently remove the seeds, taking care not to lose any of the precious grains. Fennel is generous in its production, with a healthy plant yielding a significant amount of seeds over the course of a growing season.
The leaves of the fennel plant are also edible and can be harvested throughout the growing season for fresh flavoring in salads, soups, or teas.
Fennel has long been prized for its medicinal properties, especially in Ayurveda and Western herbalism. It is known for its digestive benefits, helping to relieve bloating, indigestion, and gas. The seeds are commonly used in herbal teas or tinctures to soothe the stomach and ease digestive discomfort. Fennel is also recognized for its ability to support the respiratory system, making it a popular herb for coughs, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments.
In addition to its digestive benefits, fennel is often used as a detoxifying herb, supporting the liver and kidneys in clearing toxins from the body. It is also thought to have mild diuretic properties, helping to flush excess water and waste from the body.
Fennel’s soothing qualities extend to its anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for treating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or muscle pain. It can also be applied topically as a poultice for sore muscles or irritated skin. Fennel has also been shown to have antioxidant properties, helping to protect cells from oxidative damage and support overall health.
Fennel seeds can be used in a variety of ways: infused into teas, mixed into salves, or taken as part of spice blends. Its pleasant, aromatic flavor is beloved in many cultures for its ability to promote overall digestive health and calm the nerves.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a member of the Apiaceae family, which includes many familiar herbs such as dill, caraway, and parsley. It is native to the Mediterranean region but has naturalized in many parts of the world, particularly in temperate climates. The plant is known for its feathery, fern-like leaves that grow from a swollen, bulbous base. It produces yellow, umbrella-shaped flower clusters (umbels) that attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and beneficial insects.
Fennel's distinctive flavor comes from its high concentration of essential oils, which give the plant its characteristic aniseed taste. It is an herbaceous perennial in warm climates but is often grown as an annual in cooler areas. Fennel’s tall stature and delicate foliage make it a striking addition to any garden, whether as a companion plant for other vegetables or as a focal point in an herb garden.
Green Bean- Provider
Planting Depth: 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.8 cm) deep for seeds.
Soil Temperature for Germination: 65-85°F (18-29°C).
Days till Germination: 7-14 days.
Plant Spacing: 1.5-2 inches (4-5 cm) apart within the row.
Row Spacing: 18-24 inches (45-60 cm) apart.
Days to Maturity: 50-60 days (from planting).
Sun: Full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day).
Soil: Well-drained, fertile, loamy. Beans are sensitive to waterlogging, so ensure the soil drains well.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 3-10 (typically grown as an annual).
Latin Name: Phaseolus vulgaris
Provider Green Beans are a reliable and early-producing variety known for their resistance to cold. They excel at germinating and growing earlier in the season than other green beans, allowing for a head start on planting and harvest. These beans benefit from regular watering, especially during flowering and pod development, but make sure the soil is not overly wet. Harvest when pods are firm and crisp for the best flavor and texture.
Direct sow seeds in the garden once all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed to at least 65°F. Plant seeds 1-1.5 inches deep, spacing them 1.5-2 inches apart within the row. Germination typically occurs within 7-14 days under ideal conditions. This variety excels at germinating in cooler soils.
Provider Green Beans thrive in full sun and well-drained, fertile soil. Though beans are fairly drought-tolerant once established, regular watering will support strong growth and increase yield. This variety is a bush bean, meaning it does not require a trellis or other support. The plants grow to about 18-24 inches tall and spread about 12-18 inches wide, with dark green leaves that shade the soil and shade out weeds. Provider Green Beans are known for their early maturity, allowing for a quick turn-around from planting to harvest, with the first beans typically ready in about 50-60 days.
Beans mature in approximately 50-60 days from sowing. Regular harvesting every 2-3 days ensures continuous production. Harvest beans when they are young, tender, and crisp, typically when they reach about 4-6 inches long. The more you pick, the more the plants will produce, extending the harvest well into the season. Be sure to pick the beans before they become overripe, as this will reduce the plant’s productivity, and older, larger beans are more tough.
This variety is indeterminate, meaning it will produce beans successionally and continuously for a month to two. This indeterminate trait is apparent in a mature plant: notice how each plant hosts fully ripe beans, recently pollinated flowers with beans the size of a pinky nail, and unpollinated flowers in full bloom.
Provider Green Beans belong to the legume family (Fabaceae), known for their ability to fix nitrogen, enriching the soil and benefiting neighboring plants. As a bush variety, they do not require staking and form compact, bushy plants. The beans are smooth, stringless, and tender when young, with a vibrant green color. Provider Green Beans produce white, self-pollinating flowers that develop into beans.
Heirloom Tomato- German Johnson
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch deep for seeds; for transplants, plant them deeper than they were in their nursery pots, up to the first set of leaves.
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-85°F
Days till Germination: 7-10 days
Plant Spacing: 18-24 inches apart
Row Spacing: 36-48 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 75-80 days (from transplanting)
Sun: Full sun (at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day)
Soil: Well-drained, fertile, loamy soil. German Johnson tomatoes benefit from organic matter and compost to enrich the soil and ensure proper drainage.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 3-11 (typically grown as an annual in cooler climates).
Latin Name: Solanum lycopersicum
German Johnson Tomato is an heirloom beefsteak variety known for its large, juicy, pinkish-red fruit with excellent flavor. Fruits weigh in at 1 to 2 pounds each and offer a balance of sweetness and tang, with a rich, full-bodied flavor. Plants produce a bounty of deep pink to crimson fruits, continuing to provide tomatoes week after week. Our preferred heirloom tomato for its vigor, productivity, and taste.
Give your crop a nice headstart by sowing seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before your region’s last frost. Seed ¼ inch beneath the soil, expect germination in 7-10 days. Up-pot to a 3-4” pot once plants put out their first true leaves, plant out once danger of frost has passed.
Plant out in full sun in well-drained fertile soil once danger of frost has passed. Space plants 18-24 inches apart in rows 3 to 4 feet apart. Once established, water infrequently and deeply, every 3 days at most, as overwatering makes for a bland tasting tomato. Overhead watering is best to avoid as it can cause plant disease and make fruits split and rot. Provide plant with a trellis or a cage to encourage upward growth and keep fruit from touching the earth; they will rot quickly on the ground.
Typically ripening 75-80 days after transplanting, the fruits will mature from a deep green to a luscious pink or red. When fully ripened, these tomatoes should feel firm yet gently soft to the touch, ready to be plucked from their vines. Ripe fruits can be quick to split so harvest regularly. Harvesting with garden pruners is helpful to cut the thick stem from the vine. Plants are indeterminate, meaning they will continue to grow and produce fruit steadily throughout the summer and into the fall, right up until the first frost.
Tomatoes belong to the Solanaceae family, which includes other well-known vegetables like peppers, eggplants, and potatoes. German Johnson tomatoes are indeterminate, meaning they will continue to grow and produce fruit until the first frost, filling your garden with lush greenery and bountiful harvests all season long. The plants, which can reach 4-6 feet in height, grow with a sprawling, bushy habit and produce large, beefsteak-style fruits that are smooth and slightly flattened.
Lettuce- Flashy Trout Back
Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep for seeds
Soil Temperature for Germination: 50-70°F
Days til Germination: 7-14 days
Plant Spacing: 2-12 inches apart
Row Spacing: 10-18 inches apart
Days to Maturity: 30-60 days
Sun: Full sun to partial shade (preferably 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day)
Soil: Well-drained, fertile, loamy soil. Lettuce prefers cool, moist soil and benefits from rich, organic matter.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 4-9 (usually grown as an annual in most climates).
Latin Name: Lactuca sativa
Flashy Trout Back Lettuce is an heirloom variety with stunning, green leaves with red splashes, making it not only flavorful but also visually striking in the garden. This lettuce variety thrives in cool weather, making it ideal for early spring and fall plantings. It prefers consistent moisture and cooler temperatures, as it can bolt in hot weather. Keep the soil moist and shaded during hotter periods to extend the harvest window. Sow seed directly in the garden or start indoors early Spring through early Fall, germination and growth being best in the cooler season. Eye-catching, tender romaine variety.
Flashy Trout Back Lettuce can be direct-seeded in the garden or started indoors. It grows best in cooler temperatures, so it is perfect for early spring or fall planting. Lettuce can be grown continuously throughout the season by seeding every few weeks for a consistent harvest. Sow seeds ¼ inch deep beneath the soil. Plant more densely (2-8 inches) for repeated harvests from the same plants, or at 1 foot if harvesting the entire head, in rows spaces 10-18 inches apart. Lettuce typically germinates within 7-14 days under ideal conditions.
Flashy Trout Back Lettuce thrives in cool, moist conditions. It prefers fertile, well-drained soil and will perform best when grown in full sun, but appreciates partial shade during the heat of summer. Lettuce is a fast-growing crop, and once established, it requires minimal maintenance.
Plants grow about 6-12 inches tall and spread to about 8-12 inches wide. Leaves have a red and green coloration that gives the plant a distinctive trout-like speckled appearance.
Flashy Trout Back Lettuce is ready for harvest in about 30-60 days after sowing. You can harvest it as a whole head or cut the outer leaves, allowing the inner leaves to continue growing for multiple harvests. Harvest outer leaves when they are about 4-6 inches long for repeated harvest, or cut the entire plant at the base when it has reached full size for single harvest.
Flashy Trout Back Lettuce is a member of the Asteraceae family, which includes sunflowers, daisies, and other familiar plants.
Lettuce’s genus, Lactuca, is related to the words lactose and lactation, and refers to the milky sap plants produce. This milky sap, called Lactucarium, develops as lettuce plants mature.
Planting Depth surface requires light
Soil Temp. Germ. 68˚F stratify
Days to Germ. 10-20
Plant Spacing 12-24”
Row Spacing 24–36”
Sun and Soil: Full Sun
Latin Name: Althaea officinalis
Easy to grow, vigorous herb with a soft and friendly demeanor, adds beauty and medicinal value to the garden. Perennial plant that abounds with elegant white blossoms tinged with pink, flowering in its first year and for many years after if left in the garden. The cooling, moistening qualities of the root are used to treat a variety of ailments associated with heat and dryness.
Sow in mid Spring for late spring plantings or late Summer for fall plantings. Scarify seed before sowing, rubbing the seed on sandpaper. Expect germination in 10-20 days.
In the garden, allow for 1 to 2 feet space for what will become a sizable plant by late Summer. Can grow in poorer quality soil, though deep, fertile soils produce the largest roots.
Plants appreciate regular water, especially during their first growing season. By their second year, deep, infrequent waterings encourage the roots to swell and extend into the earth in search of water. As they enter their flowering stage, plants can grow up to 6 feet in height. Marshmallow can grow in the garden for years, though by its third season the roots become fibrous and tough and contain less of their valuable constituents. Its leaves are broad and soft, within several months of planting it quickly shoots up flowering stalks which explode in white flowers splashed with pink.
Harvest the roots as early as the Autumn of their first growing season or as soon as the plant has completed its flowering phase, or wait to harvest until their second year for larger roots. As with other medicinal roots, harvest in the early Spring or Fall when the plant’s prana resides in its root system. The sizeable, sprawling root requires a digging fork or shovel to remove from the ground.
The entire aerial part of the plant contains medicinal constituents, though less than in the roots; once the plant is well-established selectively harvesting leaves and flower buds won’t compromise your root harvest.
The texture and feel of the root provides the best indication of its healing properties: smooth, cool, moist. The root is noticeably mucilaginous. Use root in its fresh or dry form. If drying the root, cut it into small chunks to allow it to dry fully; its moist quality makes it dry more slowly than other roots. The sweet treat roasted by the campfire was originally made from a preparation of this root.
Marshmallow belongs to the family Malvaceae, commonly known as the Mallow family, along with plants like hollyhock, okra, hibiscus.
This family is characterized by the softness of its broad, palmate leaves and its mucilaginous quality and its 5 petalled flowers. Marshmallow is native to Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa, and has been used there for millennia for both food and medicine.
Planting depth- shallow, requires light to germinate
Soil temp for germination- 65-75 degrees (cold stratify first)
Days till germination- 7-14
Plant spacing- 12-24”
Row spacing- 24-36”
Days to maturity- 100-120
Sun and soil- Full sun, moist, fertile soil
Latin Name: Scutellaria lateriflora
A gentle, soothing herb with a reputation for calming the nerves and promoting restful sleep. Its presence in the garden is approachable, soft, friendly. In late summer the plant blooms with clusters of light blue, tubular flowers, rising above the plant’s lush green foliage, providing a serene touch to the garden. Though it thrives as a perennial in its native habitat, many gardeners grow it as an annual, replanting it each year for its quick growth and abundant harvest.
To grow Skullcap from seed, begin by cold stratifying the seeds—a process that mimics winter’s chill and helps to break dormancy. 2-4 weeks before sowing, mix the seeds with peat moss in a jar or plastic bag and place the mixture in the refrigerator. This cool treatment is key to successful germination. After stratification, sow the seeds indoors in spring, about 1/4 inch deep in seed trays, or directly in the garden once the danger of frost has passed.
Skullcap seeds typically germinate in 2-3 weeks, given the right conditions of warmth and moisture. If starting indoors, transplant the seedlings once they have developed a few leaves. ensuring they are spaced at least 18-24 inches apart to give them room to spread.
Skullcap grows best in fertile, moist, well-drained soil, and it flourishes in full sun to partial shade. Once established, the plant is quite resilient and can thrive with minimal care, making it a great choice for beginner gardeners and herbalists. Give 18-24 inches of space between plants.
Starting out with a slow, steady growth, by the heat of summer Skullcap grows rapidly, reaching up to 3 feet in height and spreading 3 feet wide. The plant’s upright, bushy stems are lined with dark green, slightly serrated leaves. In mid to late summer, Skullcap sends up spires of light blue flowers, which bloom in succession, drawing bees and butterflies with their sweet fragrance. Plants have a soft touch and gentle appearance.
Though Skullcap is technically a perennial, many gardeners grow it as an annual, reseeding it each year to ensure a fresh crop. In the colder months, the aerial parts of the plant die back to the ground, leaving behind a robust, spreading root system that survives through the winter. By mid-spring, fresh new shoots emerge, ready to grow again. This winter dormancy can be an advantage for gardeners in colder climates, as it helps Skullcap survive even frostier conditions.
For optimal potency, harvest the aerial parts of the plant when the flowers are in full bloom, usually in late summer. Using a blade or scissors, cut the stems a couple inches above the soil line, harvesting the entirety of the plant at once. Plants won’t regrow after harvest unless left in the ground for another season. Dry the leaves and flowers immediately after harvesting to preserve their medicinal properties. The dried herb can be infused into hot water to create a soothing tea that is traditionally used to calm the nerves and promote restful sleep. Skullcap’s mild sedative effect does not induce grogginess as some other sleep aids do, making it an excellent choice for those who need help relaxing without feeling overly drowsy the next day.
Skullcap is renowned in herbal medicine for its ability to soothe the nervous system and ease anxiety, making it a popular choice for those dealing with stress, insomnia, or overactive thoughts. The herb is often used to help calm the mind, promoting relaxation without the sedating effects of stronger sedatives. Skullcap is also frequently used as a gentle sleep aid, particularly for those who have difficulty falling asleep due to stress or nervous tension. Its mild, non-habit forming nature makes it a perfect choice for those who want to improve sleep quality without the risk of dependency or grogginess the following day. In addition to its sedative and anti-anxiety effects, Skullcap has a history of use as a remedy for muscle tension, headaches, and migraines, as well as for digestive issues related to stress. Its use as a mild anti-inflammatory also extends to the treatment of pain and cramping.
Skullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora, belongs to the Lamiaceae family (mint family) and is characterized by its square stems, which are typical of members of this family. The plant is a native herb of North America, commonly found in moist, sunny meadows and along riverbanks in the eastern United States and parts of Canada. It grows best in wetlands or partially shaded areas, where the soil is rich in organic matter and moisture levels are consistently high.
The name "Skullcap" comes from the distinctive shape of the plant’s flowers, which have a helmet-like appearance, resembling the cap worn by medieval warriors. This characteristic is reflected in the scientific name “Scutellaria,” derived from the Latin word “scutella,” meaning “little dish” or “shield.” The plant’s leaves are lance-shaped, with a rough texture that releases a mild, aromatic scent when crushed.
Tulsi, Krishna
Planting depth: ⅛-¼”
Soil temp for germination: 70-80
Days till germination: 7-16 days
Plant spacing: 10-18”
Row spacing: 15-30”
Days to maturity: 60-100
Sun and soil: Full sun, rich soil
A deeply cherished herb of India, named after the blue-skinned deity Lord Krishna. Known for its striking dark purple leaves, peppery, fruity flavor and aroma, robust growth and wide array of health benefits. Plant in a location in the garden where it can be easily admired.
This seed depends on light for germination; cover the seed with just a thin layer of fine soil. Expect germination in 1-2 weeks. Warm temperatures hasten germination; in our temperate Zone 7 climate, we begin seeds in the greenhouse in early April. Plants grow slowly at first then rapidly as temperatures warm and days grow longer. Transferring plants to larger pots (4 inch) while waiting for outside temperatures to warm can give them a nice head start in the garden.
Create a home in the garden where this special plant can be easily admired; its shining purple hue makes it worthy of growing just as an ornamental plant, not to mention its other qualities.
Plant in the garden once the danger of frost has passed. Tulsi thrives in full sun with rich soil and appreciates regular water. Plants can grow up to 4 feet tall.
Krishna lends itself well to container gardening, and will reach a nice size grown in a flower pot.
Generally it is less productive than Temperate Tulsi in cooler climates, and well worth the extra effort.
Around 6-8 weeks after planting in the garden, your Krishna tulsi should be large enough to begin harvesting leaves. Harvest the top quarter to third of the plant just as it is entering its flowering stage. Regular harvest of Tulsi promotes it to continue growing leaves rather than sending its energy into producing seed; we recommend harvesting every 2-3 weeks. Tulsi excels at continuing to produce vegetative growth throughout the summer, and will die with the first frost of Autumn.
Krishna tulsi has an aroma that is floral, sweet, and slightly spicy. The flavor profile is bold and zesty, floral and fruity and carries notes of rosemary, and is mildly astringent. Krishna leaves a sensation that begins in the back of the throat before it travels deeper into the lungs and respiratory system.
Tulsi, Rama
Planting Depth: Surface sow; light-dependent germinator
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-85°F
Days to Germination: 7-14 days
Plant Spacing: 18-24 inches
Row Spacing: 24-36 inches
Days to Maturity: 60 days
Sun and Soil: Full sun, rich, moist soil
Hardiness Zones: 10-12 (perennial); grown as an annual in Zones 4-9
Rama Tulsi is the variety most commonly grown and revered in its native India. In the garden it captures the eye with its graceful, elegant appearance. It exudes a fragrance of clove and tropical fruit. Commonly grown as a cold-sensitive annual in cooler climates and as a perennial in more tropical zones. Rama does well in a pot or smaller container.
Rama Tulsi seeds are light-dependent germinators, meaning they need sunlight to sprout. For best results, scatter seeds on the surface of the soil, press them in lightly, and cover with a fine layer of soil. In temperate climates (Zones 7-9), start seeds indoors in spring, 4-8 weeks before last frost date. Use a greenhouse or a sunny windowsill to provide warmth and light. Seeds should germinate in 7-16 days. Once seedlings are established and have a few true leaves, transplanting them to a larger pot can give them a nice headstart.
Rama tulsi has reddish purple stems, green leaves and purple blossoms. It has more space between leaf nodes than other tulsi varieties, lending it a more open, airy appearance. Rama exudes a fragrance of clove and peppercorn mixed with tropical fruit.
Transplant seedlings to the garden, spacing them 18-24 inches apart in rows 24-26 inches apart. This plant appreciates full sun, rich soil, and regular watering. Rama Tulsi grows slowly at first but accelerates as temperatures rise and days lengthen.
Approximately 6-8 weeks after transplanting, Rama Tulsi is ready for its first harvest. The ideal time to harvest is when the plant begins to flower, as this is when its medicinal compounds are most concentrated. Snip the top quarter or third of the plant to encourage bushier growth. Each harvest doubles as a pruning, each branch you cut directing energy to different parts of the plant. Make sure to harvest all of the flowers, to prevent plants from sending their energy towards reproduction and away from vegetation. Harvest in this manner every 3 weeks or so, all the way up until the first frost. If growing as an annual in temperate climates, plants will die with the first frost; keep an eye on the nighttime temperature and make sure to harvest plants in their entirety before frost. With proper care, you can harvest Rama Tulsi every 3 weeks throughout the summer. Both leaves and flowers contain this plant's many constituents.
Use Tulsi fresh or dry immediately after harvest.
Rama Tulsi has an aroma profile that is fruity, floral, spicy and sharp. It’s flavor is dark, earthy, and floral and carries a mild clove like spice. It brings a sensation that settles in the back of the throat.
Tulsi, Temperate
Planting Depth: ⅛-¼ inch (light-dependent germinator)
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-80°F
Days to Germination: 12-23 days
Plant Spacing: 12-18 inches
Row Spacing: 15-30 inches
Days to Maturity: 60 days
Sun and Soil: Full sun, rich and well-draining soil
Hardiness Zones: 7-11 (perennial in warmer zones, annual in cooler zones)
Temperate Tulsi, also called Kapoor Tulsi, is the most versatile, productive Tulsi variety for temperate climates, maturing earlier in the season than other Tulsi varieties and regrowing quickly after harvest. By mid-summer, this vigorous herb will reward you with an abundance of aromatic leaves and small, purple flowers.
Temperate Tulsi seeds are light-dependent germinators, meaning they need sunlight to sprout. For best results, scatter seeds on the surface of the soil, press them in lightly, and cover with a fine layer of soil. In temperate climates (Zones 7-9), start seeds indoors in spring, 4-8 weeks before last frost date. Use a greenhouse or a sunny windowsill to provide warmth and light. Seeds should germinate in 7-16 days.
Temperate Tulsi grows quickly once temperatures rise and daylight increases. It appreciates full sun and regular watering, but is relatively low-maintenance once established. Plants have a bushy stature and are densely packed with bright green leaves and purple flowers.
Transplant seedlings to the garden, spacing them 18-24 inches apart in rows 24-26 inches apart.
By mid-summer, your Temperate Tulsi should be producing a profusion of leaves and small purple flowers. The ideal time to harvest is when the plant begins to flower, as this is when its medicinal compounds are most concentrated. Snip the top quarter or third of the plant to encourage bushier growth. Each harvest doubles as a pruning, each branch you cut directing energy to different parts of the plant. Make sure to harvest all of the flowers, to prevent plants from sending their energy towards reproduction and away from vegetation. Harvest in this manner every 3 weeks or so, all the way up until the first frost. If growing as an annual in temperate climates, plants will die with the first frost; keep an eye on the nighttime temperature and make sure to harvest plants in their entirety before frost. Both leaves and flowers contain this plant's many constituents.
Use Tulsi fresh or dry immediately after harvest.
The aroma of Temperate Tulsi is earthy, herbal, and sweet with hints of anise. It’s taste carries notes of clove and licorice alongside an herbal flavor profile. The tasting experience brings an earthy depth, is full bodied and well rounded. It stimulates a sensation that travels deep into the lungs and respiratory system.
Tulsi, Vana
Planting Depth: ⅛-¼ inch
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-80°F
Days to Germination: 7-16 days
Plant Spacing: 18-24 inches
Row Spacing: 24-36 inches
Days to Maturity: 70-100 days
Sun and Soil: Full sun, rich and moist soil
Hardiness Zones: 7-11 (perennial in Zones 10-12, annual elsewhere)
Vana Tulsi, or "Forest Holy Basil," is a robust basil that stands out with its broad light green leaves, clove-citrus aroma, and remarkable adaptability. Native to India and East Africa, this wild species has been brought into cultivation for its medicinal properties and flavorful leaves. Vigorous and aromatic, Vana Tulsi grows abundantly in summer, reaching impressive heights of 5 feet, and it can overwinter indoors in colder climates and grows as a perennial in warmer climes. Sow seeds in spring to enjoy a season of vibrant growth and multiple harvests of this rejuvenating tea herb.
Vana Tulsi seeds are light-dependent germinators, meaning they need sunlight to sprout. For best results, scatter seeds on the surface of the soil, press them in lightly, and cover with a fine layer of soil. In temperate climates (Zones 7-9), start seeds indoors in spring, 4-8 weeks before last frost date. Use a greenhouse or a sunny windowsill to provide warmth and light. Seeds should germinate in 7-16 days. Once seedlings are established and have a few true leaves, transplanting them to a larger pot can give them a nice headstart.
Plants have an upright growth habit, light green leaves, and thick woody stems and spires of white blossoms. They fill the garden air with an aroma of clove and citrus.
Transplant seedlings to the garden, spacing them 18-24 inches apart in rows 24-26 inches apart. Over the course of the summer this plant grows into a sizable, tall shrub so plant accordingly. This plant appreciates full sun, rich soil, and regular watering but is also hardy enough to adapt to less-than-ideal conditions. Vana Tulsi grows slowly at first but accelerates as temperatures rise and days lengthen.
Plants have an upright growth habit, light green leaves, and thick woody stems and spires of white blossoms. They fill the garden air with an aroma of clove and citrus.
Approximately 6-8 weeks after transplanting, Vana Tulsi is ready for its first harvest. The ideal time to harvest is when the plant begins to flower, as this is when its medicinal compounds are most concentrated. Snip the top quarter or third of the plant to encourage bushier growth. Each harvest doubles as a pruning, each branch you cut directing energy to different parts of the plant. Make sure to harvest all of the flowers, to prevent plants from sending their energy towards reproduction and away from vegetation. Harvest in this manner every 3 weeks or so, all the way up until the first frost. If growing as an annual in temperate climates, plants will die with the first frost; keep an eye on the nighttime temperature and make sure to harvest plants in their entirety before frost. With proper care, you can harvest Vana Tulsi every 3 weeks throughout the summer. By late summer branches grow thick and woody so use the appropriate harvest gear. Both leaves and flowers contain this plant's many constituents.
Vana Tulsi’s aroma carries notes of citrus, clove, and mint, with a warm, tangy sweetness. Its flavor brings notes of orange, lime, and clove, it has a light, bright, uplifting quality. Drinking Vana Tulsi brings a pleasant, stimulating sensation that resides on your tongue.
Zucchini- Costata Romanesco
Planting Depth: 1 inch deep for seeds.
Soil Temperature for Germination: 70-85°F.
Days till Germination: 6-14 days.
Plant Spacing: 24-36 inches apart.
Row Spacing: 36-48 inches apart.
Days to Maturity: 50-55 days (from transplanting).
Sun: Full sun (at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day).
Soil: Well-drained, fertile, loamy soil. Zucchini plants thrive in soil rich in organic matter, so adding compost will help improve soil fertility and drainage.
Zone: USDA hardiness zones 3-10 (typically grown as an annual).
Latin Name: Cucurbita pepo
Costata Romanesco Zucchini is a traditional Italian heirloom variety known for its ribbed, green, and tender fruits that boast a sweet, nutty flavor. Unlike common zucchini varieties, Costata Romanesco is slightly more textured, with deep ridges along the fruit. This squash variety is highly valued for its excellent flavor, and it produces a high yield of zucchinis that are perfect for grilling, sautéing, or using in baked goods.
Zucchini is sensitive to cold and requires warm soil for optimal growth. Costata Romanesco zucchinis are best started indoors or directly sown outdoors once the danger of frost has passed. If starting indoors as transplants, sow 2-4 weeks before the last expected frost date. Transplant seedlings outdoors after all danger of frost has passed and when the soil temperature is consistently warm.
Zucchinis thrive in rich, well-drained soil in full sun. Plants quickly become stunted if they don’t receive adequate water; keep the soil evenly moist, particularly during flowering and fruiting. Plants grow rapidly in warm temperatures, spreading and sprawling up to 3 feet in all directions while staying compact in height, usually about 2 feet tall. The plant produces large, dark green leaves and vibrant yellow flowers, which give way to the distinctive ribbed zucchinis that make this variety so special.
These zucchinis mature relatively quickly, taking just 50-60 days from sowing to reach harvestable size. You can harvest them young, at 6-8 inches, for tender, flavorful zucchinis, or let them grow larger—up to 12 inches—without sacrificing tenderness. Costata Romanesco remains sweet and nutty even when harvested at a larger size. To harvest, cut the stem where it meets the vine, about an inch above the fruit, being careful not to damage other fruits or the plant itself. Regular harvesting encourages continuous production, so be sure to pick zucchinis often to prevent them from growing too large and turning bitter or tough.
Zucchinis can also be harvested for their blossoms, a hard to come by culinary delicacy. Make sure you just harvest the male flowers, as the female flowers eventually turn into fruit. Female flowers generally grow closer to the base of the plant, and possess a small swollen structure at their base that will eventually grow into a fruit. Male flowers grow all over the plant from a long, thin stem.
Zucchinis belong to the Cucurbitaceae family, which also includes cucumbers, melons, and other squashes. This family has a sprawling, vining tendency and broad, palmate leaves. Most Cucurbits are unique in that they possess distinct male and female flowers on one plant, the female flower eventually bearing the fruit. Cucurbits tend to be cold-sensitive annuals, perishing with the first frost of fall.
This species, Cucurbita pepo, originated in Mesoamerica, and from there spread to Europe and throughout the world. It was in Italy, where this variety originates, that zucchinis were bred to take on the form that we know today.